photo of Ippei Maruyama

Ippei Maruyama

Visiting Professor

丸山 一平

専門は,建築材料学,コンクリート工学,セメント化学, 応用地質学など。

所属学会は,日本建築学会 ,日本コンクリート工学会,土木学会,American Concrete Institute,セメント・コンクリート研究会,材料学会,原子力学会,RILEM,International Committee on Irradiated Concrete(ICIC)等。



Cement chemistry, Concrete engineering, Structural engineering, Applied geochemistry, Nuclear engineering

Biographical sketch

Dr. Ippei Maruyama is a Professor of Graduate School of Environmental Studies at Nagoya University and a Professor of Graduate School of Engineering at The University of Tokyo (cross-appointment). He earned his B.Eng. in 1998, M.Eng. in 2000 and Dr.Eng. in 2003 from The University of Tokyo. Before he joined Nagoya University, he was visiting researcher at Delft University of Technology and assistant professor at Hiroshima University. He became a professor in 2016 in Nagoya University, then joined the University of Tokyo as a Professor.

He is a past chair of international committee on irradiated concrete, a Bureau member of RILEM, the editor in chief of Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, and an associate editor of Materials and Structures. He is leading several national projects relating to aging management of concrete structures in nuclear power plants, Fukushima daiichi decommissioning process, and a long-term use of concrete structures.

His current research topics include architectural engineering, building material engineering, design of concrete structures, aging management of concrete structures, preservation of historical buildings and civil structures, radiation physics and chemistry for concrete, cement chemistry, applied geochemistry (mainly calcite and ferrite concretion phenomena).

Honors and Awards

Recent Projects

Leading Projects

  • 2019 – present
    “Enhancement of soundness evaluation methods for concrete members in NPP (Phase 2)”, Collaboration with Chube Electric Power Company. (Technical lead)
  • 2018 – present
    “Moisture transport mechanism in cement-based materials under the first desorption process”, JSPS KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 18H03804 )
  • 2017 - 2024 “Evaluation of soundness of concrete subjected to irradiation based on the mechanism of metamictization of rock-forming minerals", Funded by METI, collaboration with Mitsubishi Research Institute and Kajima Corporation. (Project total: Technical lead)
  • 2017.12 - 2020.3
    "Evaluation of concrete contamination of radio-active materials in Fukushima-daiichi plants based on a mechanism of their interaction with cement hydrates ", Funded by MEXT, collaboration with NIES, JAEA, Tohoku University, and Takheiyo consultant.
  • 2017.10 - present
    "Evaluation of soudness of concrete subjected to irradiation based on mechanism of metamictization of rock-forming minerals", Funded by METI, collaboration with Mitsubishi Research Institute and Kajima Corporation.
  • 2015.4 - present
    "Development of TEM observation technique for C-S-H/C-A-S-H", non-funded collaboration with Prof. Shunsuke Muto, Nagoya University
  • 2014.4 - present
    "1H-NMR relaxometry application for cement-based materials", non-funded collaboration with Prof. Takahiro Ohkubo, Chiba University
  • 2015 - 2018.10
    "Clarification of an action mechanism of SRA in hardened cement paste, " collaboration with Ecole de Ponts ParisTech and LarfargeHolcim
  • 2015 - 2016
    "Performance evaluation of RPV-pedestal of Fukushima-daiichi NPP"
  • 2015 - 2018.3
    "Durability mechanics of concrete structure based on nano-atomic scale alteration of C-S-H", Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2014 - 2016.3
    “Control of alternation of colloidal C-S-H under drying process by nano-particles”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2012 - 2020
    “Numerical simulation of long-term concrete performance in massive concrete members”, Kajima corporation.
  • 2011 - 2017.3
    “Performance evaluation of reinforced concrete member subjected to long-term neutrons and gamma-rays irradiation”, Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan.
  • 2012 - 2015
    “Prediction of drying shrinkage of concrete”, Mitsubishi Material Corporation.
  • 2013
    “Movement of radioactive ingredient in building skin and evaluation of gamma-rays shielding performance of building materials”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2011 - 2012
    “Evaluation of long-term concrete performance”, Kajima corporation.
  • 2009 - 2011
    “Systematically evaluation of hydration, hardening, and volume change of cement paste”, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2009 - 2011
    “Development of new exterior material from clay”, collaboration research with Ishikawa-toki Corp.
  • 2009 - 2010
    “Development of design method for high-durable reinforced concrete column used by ultra high-strength concrete”, collaboration research with Taiheiyo Cement Corp. and ANDO Corp., Grant-in-Aid for Development of Leading Technology related to Housings and Buildings, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
  • 2009 - 2010
    “Mechanism of high cracking risk of blast furnace slag cement”, Japan Cement Association0.
  • 2008 - 2010
    “Evaluation of concrete soundness by using numerical model”, Projects on Enhancement of Ageing Management and Maintenance of Nuclear Power Stations, Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency Japan.
  • 2007 - 2008
    “Evaluation of time-dependent performance of ultra high-strength concrete by using hydration model”, Japan Cement Association.
  • 2007 - 2008
    “Performance prediction of ultra high-strength concrete by using a numerical model”, collaboration research with Taiheiyo Cement Corp, Grant-in-Aid for Development of Leading Technology related to Housings and Buildings, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
  • 2006 - 2008
    “Structural performance of full-scale reinforced ultra high-strength concrete members”, KAKEN, JSPS.
  • 2006 - 2007
    “Development of rapid hardening high-strength repair material”, Tokai industrial research promotion association.
  • 2005 - 2006
    “Reduction of autogenous shrinkage of high strength concrete by using saturated recycled aggregate”, Chugoku Construction Assosiation.
  • 2004 - 2005
    “Evaluation of soundness of high-strength concrete under restraint condition”, KAKEN, JSPS.
  • 2004
    “Effect of aggregate interface in recycled concrete aggregate on chloride diffusion”, Japan Cement Association.
  • 2002
    “Mechanism of shrinkage-induced crack reduction due to relaxation/creep behavior of hardened cement paste, Japan Cement Association.

Collaborative Projects

  • 2016 - 2020.3
    "Development of Preservation/Renovation Techniques for Seismic Performance Improvement and Authenticity of Historical Buildings ", Leader Prof. Yoshitaka Aoki (Nagoya city university), collaboration with Tokyo University, Tohoku University, Nihon University, Shibaura institute of technology, Nagasaki University, Miyazaki University, Toyohashi University of Technology, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2016 - 2019.3
    "Development of high-durable composite using geopolymers, basalt fibers, and shape-memory alloies.", Leader Prof. Yoshikazu Araki (Kyoto University), collaboration with Nihon University, Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2015 - 2018.3
    "Application of calcite concretion to the engineering field", Leader Prof. Hidekazu Yoshida (Nagoya University), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2015 - 2018.3
    "Formation of Iron-shell concretion", Leader Prof. Hidekazu Yoshida (Nagoya University), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2014-2017.3
    “Natural analog study on CaCO3 concretion in nature for self-healing process of crack in bedrock”, Leader Prof. Hidekazu Yoshida (Nagoya University), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2010-2013
    “Research and investigation on repair, reinforcement, and preservation of cultural architectures damaged by terremoto dell'Aquila.”, Leader Prof. Takayoshi Aoki (Nagoya city University), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2011-2013
    “Durability mechanics on shrinkage effect of reinforced concrete beam.” Leader Prof. Ryoichi Sato (Hiroshima University), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2009-2011
    “Durability mechanics on reinforced concrete member with large shrinkage concrete.” Leader Prof. Ryoichi Sato (Hiroshima University), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
  • 2003-2004
    “Development of recycling technology of scrapping reinforced concrete members.” Leader Assoc. Prof. Takafumi Noguchi (The University of Tokyo), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Ministry of the Environment.
  • 2004-2006
    “Development of expansive high-strength concrete and systematization of structural response.” Leader Prof. Ryoichi Sato (Hiroshima University), Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKEN), Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).

Research Interests

Long time peformace evaluation of massive concrete for plant lifecycle management of nuclear power plant

KEY WORDS: Strength, Young's modulus, drying effect, heeting effect, C-S-H properties, thermodynamic analysis.

Development of non-shrinkage concrete

KEY WORDS: Mechanism of shrinkage, and its control. Disjoining pressure concept is re-interpreted.

Modeling from cement hydration to detrioration of reinforced concrete and fracture of reinforced concrete structure

KEY WORDS: modeling of hydration of cement and other mineral admixtures, shrinkage behavior, creep behavior, bond behevior around reinforcing bar, cracking behavior, coupled heat and moisture transport, ion tranportation, chemical reaction with carbonic anhydride, cloride ion, acid and so on.

Ultra High-Strength Concrete: Autogenous under temperature history, structral effect of Autogenous shrinkage

KEY WORDS: This topic includes: developement of material for ultra high-sterength concrete and mixture propoertion, controlling autogenous shrinkage and heat of cement hydration, RC design considering concrete volume change and defect at initial stage due to volume change, modeling of RC structure with high-strength concrete.

Concrete aggregate problems

KEY WORDS: Whethering of rocks, clay minerals, silicate minerals, alkali-aggregate reactions, volume change of aggregate.

New structural materials for Marine Plants

KEY WORDS: salt, ultra-violet, cyclic loading, fatigue analysis.

Concrete with low environmental load: Recycled aggregate, By-product

KEY WORDS: properties of recycled aggregate, properties of concrete for recycling material, durability of concrete with recycled aggregate, and behavior of reinforced concrete structure with recycled aggregate, properties of concrete using by-product.

For prospective students

Japanese government scholarship information can be obtained here.
In general, Japanese universities collect school fee, but there are many options to get scholarship and discharge.
Our laboratory often recruitment Post-doc or doctoral coarse student under big projects. Such information will be informed of top of the website or here.


  • XRD (Bruker D8 Advance, Phaser)

  • SEM-EDS (Hitachi TM4000)

  • TG-DTA (Bruker)

  • TG-DSC (TA)

  • He pycnometry (Quantachrome)

  • H2O sorption (Quantachrome VSTAR, Microtrack Bel Bel-sorp I, Bel sorp-II)

  • Gas (N2) sorption (Bel-sorp I & II, Bel-mini)

  • DVS (Bruker, Japanese edition. TG + RH producer)

  • RH-TMA (Bruker, Japanese edition, TMA + RH producer)

  • DSC (Natzche)

  • Micro-indentation (Shimazu)

  • X-ray CT (Shimazu)

  • Carbonation chamber (Maruto)

  • Image analyser (Keyence IM-8000)

  • 1H-NMR relaxometry (Bruker biospin minispec, Oxford)

    Faculty engineering (common tool):

  • Solid NMR Bruker Avance-300/MHz spectrometer (Si), JEOL ECA700/MHz spectrometer (Al)

  • TMA

  • Raman (InVia, Renishaw plc)

Recent Published Papers

  1. Ryusei IGAMI, Abudushalamu AILI, Go IGARASHI, Ippei MARUYAMA (2024), "<sup>1</sup>H-NMR relaxometry analysis of water content changes in hardened cement pastes during carbonation process", Cement Science and Concrete Technology, 77 (1), 44-52.
  2. Naohiko SAEKI, Luge CHENG, Ryo KURIHARA, Ippei MARUYAMA (2024), "Changes in hydrates and water content of hardened cement paste under virgin drying and re-humidifying", Cement Science and Concrete Technology, 77 (1), 17-25.
  3. Luge CHENG, Naohiko SAEKI, Ryo KURIHARA, Ippei MARUYAMA (2024), "Characterization of capillary pores of carbonated cement paste under different relative humidities by SEM image analysis", Cement Science and Concrete Technology, 77 (1), 308-316.
  4. Ippei Maruyama, Ngoc Kien Bui, Amr Meawad, Ryo Kurihara, Yuji Mitani, Hikotsugu Hyodo, Manabu Kanematsu, Takafumi Noguchi (2024), "Cold-sintered carbonated concrete waste fines: A calcium carbonate concrete block", Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 22 (7), 406-418.
  5. Ippei Maruyama, Koichiro Noritake, Yoshinobu Hosoi, Haruka Takahashi (2024), "Development of a Large-scale Thermogravimetry and Gas Analyzer for Determining Carbon in Concrete", Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 22 (6), 383-390.
  6. Ngoc Kien Bui, Ryo Kurihara, Manabu Kanematsu, Hikotsugu Hyodo, Takafumi Noguchi, Ippei Maruyama (2024), "Effect of temperature on binding process of calcium carbonate concrete through aragonite crystals precipitation", Composites Part B: Engineering, 283, 111625-111625.
  7. Ryusei Igami, Go Igarashi, Abudushalamu Aili, Ryo Kurihara, Takahiro Ohkubo, Ippei Maruyama (2024), "Full-scale observation of drying-induced microstructure change in hardened cement paste by water and 2-propanol 1H NMR relaxometry", Cement and Concrete Research, 186, 107698-107698.
  8. Yuqi REN, Haruya TOMII, Atsushi TOMOYOSE, Ippei MARUYAMA (2024), "Hydration and resultant strength development mechanism of cement paste containing Nakano-Hakudo", Cement Science and Concrete Technology, 77 (1), 163-171.
  9. Hafsa Rahoui, Ippei Maruyama, Matthieu Vandamme, Jean Michel Pereira, Martin Mosquet (2024), "Impact of alkalis and shrinkage-reducing admixtures on hydration and pore structure of hardened cement pastes", Cement and Concrete Research, 184, 107620.
  10. Zedi Zhang, Yuanliang Xiong, Zijian Jia, Ruilin Cao, Yueyi Gao, Ippei Maruyama, Yamei Zhang, Wei Wang (2024), "In-situ wet carbonation of steel slag powder paste made with carbonated water: Interaction mechanism between carbonation and hydration", Cement and Concrete Composites, 152, 105677.